M & S Consulting Eaton Rapids
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M & S Consulting Eaton Rapids
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4.4 / 5 stars 2 reviews


M & S Consulting prides itself on working with our clients to provide the best solutions to their bookkeeping and accounting needs. We offer a wide range of services to help our clients. We customize services to fit your business needs. We use our over 20 years of knowledge to help you, so you can concentrate on your business. Let our business help your business.


Interview quote

"Skills are cheap. Passion is priceless." ~ Gary Vaynerchuk.

Why do customers choose you?

We value your time, we want to provide you with the help you need so your business is not only successful but can grow. We understand the needs of businesses in this post covid era world. Where your business needs have possibly changed. We offer a variety of services to suit your business needs. Whether big or small we can help you!

What do you consider a fantastic customer experience?

We consider a fantastic customer experience when we help our clients become what they always envisioned their business to be. This does not always mean being large. This could just be making a successful business to pass down to their children. Success is different for everyone. We want to help them become successful.

How can you help businesses develop?

We can help not only with bookkeeping but helping each business review its accounts. See where they have room to grow. With over 20 years of helping businesses, we are able to provide more than just bookkeeping. We can help you develop a plan to grow.

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4.4 / 5 stars 2 reviews
Matthew J Brown II 1 year ago
I used M & S Consulting to help set up my new rental business. They helped with the paperwork needed. Set up QBO for my company and helped me learn to use it. They found partners for me to work with that I would need to grow my business and made sure my accounting was correct to be able to get contracts through the city of Lansing and the State of MI housing programs. Matthew B - Landlord - Innovative Properties 1997 LLC

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