Atlas Services Denver
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Atlas Services Denver
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You started a business to do something you love, something you’re passionate about. Whether it’s to work with your hands, produce something beautiful, or provide a necessary service, chances are you intended for your business to grow. However, with growth comes with an additional burden of new accounting, compliance, training, and HR demands.

We provide our clients with a wide range of administration services, and we can help you do what you do better by freeing up your time, and your employees’ time, to work on what matters most – growing your business. We don’t intend to replace the staff you have, but to provide your employees with the time and resources they need to work more effectively.

Atlas Services was founded by business administration professionals with decades of experience in management, accounting, human resource development, and sales. Individually and together, they have helped dozens of businesses owners get out from under the flood of paperwork, and focus on what matters most – the work they love.


Why do customers choose you?

We are accountants and human resource professionals with personality. All of the employees at Atlas Services have accounting/human resource degrees and several years of experience. Each client gets a direct contact, including their email and phone (call/text). All of our staff members cross train on client's tasks, so even if your direct contact is out of the office, that doesn't mean the work stops or quality changes.

What do you consider a fantastic customer experience?

We don't consider ourselves a "consultant" or "outsourced" resource. As soon as we start working together, Atlas is a part of our client's team and we are all working with one goal in mind - your best interest and what works best for you, your staff and your company.

How can you help businesses develop?

We have contacts in several industries as well as strategic relationships with service providers in specific areas. Our goal is to support you administratively so you can focus on what you do best & why you went into business, which is often not paying bills, collecting on past due invoices or tracking down credit card receipts.

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