Foundation Accounting & Consulting Riverton
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Foundation Accounting & Consulting Riverton
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"I've seen your bankruptcy coming for a while now!" Shortly after declaring bankruptcy for my landscaping company, I went in to my accountant to get my taxes done and this is what he told me. I was so frustrated!

I recognized a need there immediately and felt like I was called to serve business owners by being a trusted accounting advisor.

I battled my financial ignorance my doing some self-study and then going back to college to take all the upper level accounting courses and eventually get my MBA. Then I worked in the accounting industry for four years, the whole time focusing on learning tools to help business owners improve cash flow problems.

Today I help people that have poor cash flow that need something new. My three-phase Dominate Cash Flow system includes accurate and timely bookkeeping, cash flow review and improvement, and cash flow management.

We work with most service-based industries and our best niche is in construction.

Build your business on a solid FOUNDATION!


Interview quote

Your cash flow sucks! You're tired of not knowing why there is no money in your bank account and exhausted from juggling money or using your personal money to pay expenses or payroll. You need something new! I have something new.

Why do customers choose you?

My clients are looking for something new. They want to understand what is going on with their money and they want a partner that helps them improve their cash flow, not just a record keeper or historian like most bookkeepers and tax preparers.

What do you consider a fantastic customer experience?

Frequent communication is key. It holds me accountable and builds trust.

How can you help businesses develop?

I can help business develop by improving cash flow and by communicating frequently about the health of a business' finances.

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