Global Business Consultants Beachwood
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Global Business Consultants Beachwood
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With over 30 years of experience as business owners and consultants, we understand the unique challenges and pressures that come with running your own business. We don't just provide accounting, bookkeeping, and tax advice. We provide expertise and strategic advice for any business regardless of the industry. Our key deliverables may change, but one thing remains constant — we are ready to provide solutions and help your business grow. From startup to exit strategy, we can help you create a business strategy, manage organizational and operational processes, and provide financial consulting services.


Interview quote

"Management works in the system. Leadership works on the system" Dr. Steven Covey

Why do customers choose you?

We go beyond just bookkeeping and accounting. We specialize in Turnaround and Improvement Consulting. We improve all aspects of our clients business by transforming sales, operations, and finance. We help you manage your expenses and increase cashflow by assisting with negotiating contracts, accounts receivable, and accounts payable.

What do you consider a fantastic customer experience?

A fantastic customer experience is when we help a client overcome a difficult challenge that they thought was impossible. Helping to negotiate with a creditor, a vendor, or banker to help them increase cashflow, make more money, and have more of a work-life balance.

How can you help businesses develop?

Most business owners think that Lean and Six Sigma strategies apply only to the manufacturing industry. But these strategies can be used to help small business owners increase sales, reduce expenses, and streamline operations. We are Lean and Six-Sigma Certified.

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