Hall Business Services, LLC Sebastopol
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4.86 / 5 stars 18 reviews
Hall Business Services, LLC Sebastopol
Ageras rating star
4.86 / 5 stars 18 reviews


Excellence is Our Passion!!

Whether your company is an emerging operation or a large established business, our team of accounting professionals will apply their years of accounting, bookkeeping, payroll and tax experience and resources to assist you with meeting all your business needs.


Interview quote

"Excellence is never an accident; it is the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skillful execution, and the vision to see obstacles as opportunities." Aristotle

Why do customers choose you?

Clients choose Aaron D Hall as their accountant because of his passion for excellence while making the language of accounting and taxation as easy to understand as possible. His trustworthiness and consistency in being client-focused and detail-oriented has allowed Hall Business Services, LLC to retain 99% of their accounting clients.

What do you consider a fantastic customer experience?

A fantastic client experience in the accounting arena is a personalized, timely, relevant, seamless, remarkable, memorable and consistent business relationship between the client and accountant. By growing with emerging technology and remaining knowledgeable in the ever-changing tax laws, the accountant can create a peace in the client's mind allowing the client to remain focused on building a successful long-term business.

How can you help businesses develop?

Communication is the key to helping businesses develop. An accountant's availability to answer client questions in a timely and professional manner develops a trust and security level between the accountant and the client that will last for years. Once this trust and security has been developed, the sky is the limit for the success of the development of that client's business!

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Ageras rating star
4.86 / 5 stars 18 reviews
Marsha L McDonald, CPA 2 years ago
I have worked with Aaron on various accounting projects over the past 5 years. He is very knowledgeable in the accounting arena and very competent in his job. I highly recommend him! Marsha L McDonald, CPA Member of Watkins, Ward and Stafford, PLLC Philadelphia, Mississippi

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