Husker Bookkeeping & Payroll Lincoln
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4.25 / 5 stars 1 reviews
Husker Bookkeeping & Payroll Lincoln
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4.25 / 5 stars 1 reviews


Welcome to Husker Bookeeping and Payroll we are based out of Lincoln Nebraska. I have over 20 years experience in financial planning, taxes and bookkeeping experience. I also hold two degrees in Accounting and Business with Emphasis in Finance. I am most proud of this company because I pride myself on excellent customer service as well as fast and efficient service and will work hard to make sure your company is well taken care of and work hard to meet all your needs and expectations.


Interview quote

You are special and enough and worthy of praise

Why do customers choose you?

I am fast, efficient and work hard to make sure I give excellent customer service and work to my clients

What do you consider a fantastic customer experience?

Available to customer at all times for any problems or concerns they may have. Also to treat them in a professional manner and hold that deameanor through our conversations, my work and my professionalism which customers have prided me on and will continue to give that excellent customer service to all my clients

How can you help businesses develop?

I can help my business develop by building the repoire with my clients and as well as demonstrate that professionalism to my clients as well as be open and honest with them in all and answer any questions or concerns they may have

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Ageras rating star
4.25 / 5 stars 1 reviews
Anthony Allen 2 years ago
My experience was great with this company. Fast, efficient and excellent customer service. They were there when I needed them for questions or concerns

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