Pinnacle Virtual Services, LLC Hamburg
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Pinnacle Virtual Services, LLC Hamburg
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Hello my name is Terry Saracino. As owner of Pinnacle Virtual Services LLC it is my mission to free up busy business owners from the repetitiive nature of keeping accurate financial records, while giving them back the time to service and grow their customer base. I pride myself on working one on one with these owners to present them with easy to understand documents and tools to address some of their pain points.


Interview quote

I love the quote by Larry Page, one of the founders of Google
"Always deliver more than expected"

All of my customers will attest to the fact that I truly try to do just that.

Why do customers choose you?

My mission statement is to provide easily perceived value to my customers.
My unique selling proposition is that I do not take on customers that I do not feel I can help accomplish their financial growth.
My clients include a few large recreation centers with food and beverage revenue streams, digital marketing specialists, renovations contractor, and small food services.
I treat each and every business as if it were my own!

What do you consider a fantastic customer experience?

Easy to get along with your accountant/bookkeeper
Prompt and accurate financial records that you have faith in
A dogged determination to learn what I do not know in order to assist my customer in any aspects of their business. I can assist with hiring, training, and overseeing office staff as the organizaztion's needs grow

How can you help businesses develop?

Keeping clean books enables the customer to confidently apply for additional capital funding, expand physical locations, staff, and product lines. It puts them in a position of strength with lenders and potential buyers.
I consider myself fairly adept at identifying ways to increase the bottom line, with either increased sales or lowered expenses or both.
I am always looking for new ideas to contribute to customers' bottom lines


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