Spyrian Business Solutions Somersworth
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Spyrian Business Solutions Somersworth
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I love the day-to-day processes that make a business run. I love seeing something go from idea to reality. I love finding more efficient ways of doing things.

My name is Jennifer and I am an Accountant.

Now, if you had told me 20 years ago that I would ever utter those words I never would have believed you. Yet, today I am happiest when I am deep into a spreadsheet and analyzing data. I love when things balance and producing clear and concise reports.

I did not intend to be an accountant (it is not really on the “what do you want to be when you grow up” poster in kindergarten), even though my father was a CFO in banking and I attended Bentley College (known for it’s accounting program). I knew I wanted to be in business (hence Bentley), I just wasn’t sure where I fit.

My career has taken me from start-ups, to multi-national companies, to nonprofits, to small businesses. My thirst for always wanting to know more, to know how things are done, means I have worked on a wide variety of projects from the first ISO 9001:2000 Certification in the US, to developing business plans for expansions and new ventures, to implementing new programs and applications, to developing and implementing policies and procedures. All while strengthening my accounting and financial skills and experience.

This means that I am actually more than ‘just’ an accountant. I see how all of the parts of a business fit together and how each part contributes to the “Big Picture”. I can visualize how changes in one part of the business can affect other parts. I can do more than crunch numbers, I can take those numbers and transform them into useful data to be able to work with business owners and assist them in making informed decisions, offering advice on the organization as a whole.

My name is Jennifer and I am a Versatile Business Accountant that can help you take control of your books.


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Geeky Accountant helping small business owners take control of their books and their business | Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Controller/CFO Services | Say it with me "I am one with the force and the force is with me"

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