Staggs Consulting, LLC Phoenix
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4.73 / 5 stars 8 reviews
Staggs Consulting, LLC Phoenix
Ageras rating star
4.73 / 5 stars 8 reviews


We want to help your business grow. Your life will be easier and your business more profitable when you hire a bookkeeper.
* You'll have more time: focus on sales, marketing, and customer retention, thus increasing your new and recurring income!
* You'll have peace of mind: ...knowing that you can call us with any question, comment, or concern that affects your business or personal situation and we'll be there to help!
* You'll be able to plan: ...whether it's for taxes or for other life investments, you'll always know where you stand with monthly financials and tax planning experts at your fingertips!

We're dedicated to giving you the very best insight into your business, with a focus on bookkeeping, bookkeeping clean-up and back work, financial analysis, and cash flow improvements. Founded in 2020 by Sherry Staggs, Staggs Consulting, LLC has already helped many business owners like yourself get a handle on their business finances.

I grew a passion for seeing small and medium businesses thrive which drove me to obtain a Master's in Accountancy. After working with many for-profit and publicly traded companies I can offer you insight into your business finances and help you meet your business goals more efficiently. We serve customers all over the United States and are thrilled that we're able to turn our passion into serving you.

Looking forward to speaking with you!


Interview quote

Life is like a camera...
Focus on what's important,
Capture the good times,
Develop from the negative,
And if things don't work out,
Take another shot.

Why do customers choose you?

We strive for frictionless communication made possible via centralized communication, text notifications, and timely responses.
With our background and experience we are able to see things in your accounting and tax preparation that others may have missed or not considered.
Our values focus on taking a genuine interest in your success, partnering in your goals, using professional platforms, operating with high ethical standards and integrity.

What do you consider a fantastic customer experience?

Timely reporting, a genuine interest in their success, goal support, professional platforms, high ethical standards, integrity, and willingness to work with nuanced business needs are all found in multiple reviews. After clients get off the calls with us, they report feeling relieved that business is taken care of. Peace of mind is our product.

How can you help businesses develop?

A good accountant can make a dramatic difference for business owners by improving reporting, planning, efficiency to prepare for long-term growth. Staggs Consulting, LLC also helps create a strategic business plan by setting profitability goals. Business decisions cannot be left to chance, especially regarding financial performance. With accurate bookkeeping we collect and analyze the right data to report so that business owners meet those goals.

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Ageras rating star
4.73 / 5 stars 8 reviews
Chowon Slade 2 years ago
Sherry was prompt and professional. She went above and beyond what I expected, and provided detailed and thorough information, which was extremely beneficial to me. I would highly recommend her to anyone. Thanks Sherry!

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