Wood and Vaughn Tax-Accounting Service Altitude
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Wood and Vaughn Tax-Accounting Service Altitude
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My Name is Betty Ann Wood and I am from Booneville, MS. I worked hard for other companies for over 30 years and knew that one day I wanted to open my own firm. I decided to go back to school in 2008 to get my Associate's Degree. After finishing my Associates, I decided I would go back and go all the way for my Master's Degree. Through many obstacles, including my son being diagnosed with childhood brain cancer, I finally graduated in 2016 with Masters Degree in Accounting from the University of Phoenix.
The opportunity presented itself to me in mid 2020 to open my own office in my hometown. So I took the leap and through some great friends help, opened Wood and Vaughn Tax-Accounting Service. I am proud of what we have accomplished in just the short time we have been open. We are increasing in business each month and I am looking forward to continue to build great relationship with clients in the future.


Interview quote

She Believed She Could....So She Did!

Why do customers choose you?

Because I take the time to communicate with my clients. I answer their questions no matter how small.

What do you consider a fantastic customer experience?

When they are totally satisfied and feel confident that I have taken the best care of them and their tax needs.

How can you help businesses develop?

By building those confident relationships and satisfying their needs. They then will tell others!

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