YG Business Solutions Shirley
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YG Business Solutions Shirley
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0 / 5 stars 0 reviews


We have been the light at the end of the tunnel for many Hispanics with their own companies or helping them create and manage their companies most importantly helping them in the language barrier to be able to be successful. We specialize in a variety of services to help small business succeed! Our Multi-Services business can resolve bookkeeping issues, yearly or monthly, clean books, payroll, profit and loss reports, and tax preparation (Business & Personal) are just some of the services we can provide.


Interview quote

"Look for 3 things in a person. Intelligence, Energy, & Integrity.
If they don't have the last one, don't even bother with the first two."

Warren Buffett

Why do customers choose you?

Both the values ​​of the company and my personal values ​​go hand in hand with My personal formula ... integrity, kindness and professionalism. It is what defines me as a person and therefore my company is governed by the same principles.

What do you consider a fantastic customer experience?

A fantastic customer experience is that the customer is informed as well as possible and where you project customer trust so that things flow smoothly.

How can you help businesses develop?

We consider that for everything there is a perfect formula, it is only a matter of making ourselves discipline and always being informed before making decisions.

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